Priorin Capsules 90 Capsules

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Priorin Capsules 90's
The effect of Priorin capsules is proven and based on a unique composition of millet extract, wheat germ oil, B vitamin Pantothenic acid and amino acid L-cystine. These substances contribute in various ways to strengthen the hair roots and promote healthy hair growth: The millet extract Priorin contains is known for its positive effect on hair growth. Wheat germ oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that are important for cell metabolism and membrane structure.
- Priorin capsules provides hair root with nutrients that contribute to a better hair growth and prevents hair depletion.
- Unique composition of millet extract, wheat germ oil, B vitamin Pantothenic acid and amino acid L-cystine.
How to use:
- The recommended dose is 2-3 capsules per day , Take them after meals with a little fluid.Â
- Although an improvement of the hair condition usually occurs only after a few weeks, usage can be extended from 3-6 months, since hair growth occur slowly.