Avene Thermal Spring Water 150Ml

جميع المنتجات أصلية و مسجلة في هيئة الإمارات للمواصفات والمقاييس و مسجلة في بلدية دبي.
All products are Authentic and registered with the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology and registered with Dubai Municipality.
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Avene Thermal Spring Water is particularly recommended for sensitive, hypersensitive, allergic, or irritated skin.
You will feel wrapped in soothing softness. All the gentle purity of Avene Thermal Spring Water provides you with long-lasting protection. Following a surgical procedure, Facial redness, Skin irritation, Sunburn, Diaper rash, Following make-up removal, Following shaving, Following exercise, Following hair removal, During travel to cool oneself
How to Use:
Spray onto the skin in a fine mist. Wait for a few seconds, then gently pat dry.