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Beesline Whitening Intimate Wash 200 Ml
جميع المنتجات أصلية و مسجلة في هيئة الإمارات للمواصفات والمقاييس و مسجلة في بلدية دبي.
All products are Authentic and registered with the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology and registered with Dubai Municipality.
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Beesline Whitening Intimate Wash: A women sterile herbal lotion for personal protection Moderate acidity cleans gently moisturizes and guides free of fragrance materials Alrageh sensitizer Buster sang olive oil propolis sage thyme honey and oats. In addition, Beesline Whitening Intimate Wash is rich in propolis and vitamin B3 and C. It can also be used for the darkened unexposed body areas.