Mad Acne Drying Lotion 30ml

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Mad Acne Drying Lotion 30ml
An overnight spot treatment to rapidly reduce the size and severity of pimples. Maximum strength salicylic acid exfoliates dead skin cells, allowing the all-natural drying agents to penetrate pores and treat infection.
Does not contain parabens or chemical colorants. Aids in the control of breakouts.
How to use:
Do not shake. Allow sediment to settle. Cleanse skin thoroughly before applying drying lotion. Dip sterile cotton swab into pink sediment. Apply to individual pimples. Leave on skin overnight. Excessive drying of the skin may occur, limit use to one application daily or as directed by a physician. Not a cover-up cosmetic.
- Removes excess oil,cleans the pores naturally to prevent new pimples
- Removes acne scars,brings a radiant glow on the face
- Helps to increase the healthy life of your skin