M.Asam Res Prem Essence Of Youth 50 Ml

جميع المنتجات أصلية و مسجلة في هيئة الإمارات للمواصفات والمقاييس و مسجلة في بلدية دبي.
All products are Authentic and registered with the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology and registered with Dubai Municipality.
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Premium anti-aging skin care with resveratrol from grape vines Resveratrol is based on the breakthrough beauty benefits of resveratrol. These premium skin care products contain concentrated resveratrol to support a younger and more radiant looking complexion. Resveratrol is a powerful, natural antioxidant gained from grape vines and is known for its power of youth. The rich formulations are suitable for all skin types and contain a fresh lime fragrance.