Marti Derm Black Diamond Proteum Serum 30Ml

جميع المنتجات أصلية و مسجلة في هيئة الإمارات للمواصفات والمقاييس و مسجلة في بلدية دبي.
All products are Authentic and registered with the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology and registered with Dubai Municipality.
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Proteum Serum is a triple-effect anti-aging cell repairer, firmer and anti-oxidant, for younger, smoother, firmer and better-protected skin. Reduces roughness, firms the face, reduces wrinkles, slows aging, protects the skin and prevents redness. Proteum Serum also activates DNA repair and protection, slowing the cell aging process and shielding the skin from cell damage caused by ultraviolet rays. It has a light, smooth texture and is quickly absorbed. Now we have a new packaging more sophisticated, with a pearly finish but with the same qualities as the previous one.