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SkinCeuticals Retexturing Activator 30ml

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SkinCeuticals Retexturing Activator 30ml
This revolutionary serum uses a unique technology to transform skin by combining two polar mechanisms- exfoliation and hydration. Skinceuticals Retexturing Activator is formulated with a special patent-pending compound that stimulates enzymes to promote desquamation and new cell migration, and in clinical studies has been proven to be just as powerful as glycolic acid, minus the harsh side effects. Normal exfoliating products cause dryness, irritation and flaking, but this serum infuses skin with hyaluronic acid and kombuchka to improve smoothness, hydration, tone and clarity for skin thats radiantly youthful and softer than ever!
How to use:
- Twice daily, apply 4-6 drops to face, neck, and chest, or as directed by a skincare professional.